Church Opening Procedures
We are pleased that we will be able to return to our church sites for Mass. The opening weekend is June 20/21. Weekday Masses will begin June 23. See web site for the summer Mass schedule that we will be following till the end of August.
Below, see some changes and expectations as we return to church for Mass.
1. Entrance is only from the main entrance. Please put your collection in the basket at the entrance as there will not be a collection taken up during Mass.
2. When you enter, you are asked to move right to the front and fill the next available pew. As you see every second pew is free. Sit on the end of the pew and only sit beside people you live with. Once the last row is filled we will not be able to take extra people. The province has stated we are only allowed 30% of our capacity.
3. During Mass, there will be limited music as we cannot have choirs.
4. There will only be one Lector for readings who will be seated in the sanctuary.
5. For communion, only two of us will be at the front to maintain distancing. We ask you to go one row at a time and maintain proper distance between one another. Communion will only be given in the hand. Hold it as a throne to receive a king.
6. At the end of the Mass we will ask you to leave one row at a time following instructions of the ushers.
7. Of course, we need everyone to be patient and care for one another.
8. We encourage you to wear a mask if possible.
9. After each Mass we will have a team prepared to go through and do cleaning of the pews. Anyone willing to volunteer to assist with this please email me to let me know.
10. We will begin our summer weekday Mass this coming week. See schedule on our doors and on our web site. See parish web site or bulletin board for the summer weekday Mass schedule.
11. There will be no parish bulletin for now. We will update our web site with any new information. You can also sign up to receive the bulletin automatically on the web site. If you sign up for that then you will receive any email blasts that we send out with important information.
In our common faith, let us gather for the Eucharist in a responsible and caring way.
God bless,
Fr. Mark