Diocesan Workshops And Events (May 2019)



Mary, A Biblical Walk with the Blessed Mother, Join us for this extraordinary pilgrimage through Mary’s life where we will see why she is an essential part of our faith. Guided by Dr. Edward Sri, we will journey through the biblical narrative of Mary’s life and be introduced to the Blessed Mother on a personal level showing how scripture, history & Jewish culture reveal the sorrows, anxieties & joys Mary would have held in her heart. This six session series takes place Wednesday afternoons beginning May 1st, 1:30 – 3:30, at the Chancery office in Hamilton. The cost is $35 and includes resources. This program will be facilitated by David Dayler, please contact Monica Verin at 905-528-7988 ext. 2238 or mverin@hamiltondiocese.com to register by April 22nd.

Catechesis Connections: Catechist Formation

The next session for Catechesis Connections will take place in Guelph at St. Joseph’s Parish. The schedule will be 5 Thursday evening sessions 7 – 8:30pm beginning May 2nd 2019. With the help of a new book by Daniella Zsupan-Jerome, “Evangelization & Catechesis: Echoing the Good News Through the Documents of the Church”, we consider the connection between catechesis and evangelization. Short chapters, great stories and helpful reflection, for anyone who is engaged in sharing their faith at home or in the parish. The cost for this program is $35 and includes the book. Online registration is available, https://hamiltondiocese.com/events/catechesis-connections or contact Monica at 905-528-7988 ext. 2238 or by email at mverin@hamiltondiocese.com to register by April 22nd.

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd – Level 1 Foundations Course Certificate program is being offered at Sacré Coeur Parish in Georgetown by the Archdiocese of Toronto and Diocese of Hamilton. This course presents the orientation to the key issues fundamental to this ministry with children in early childhood. This course is designed for those who are interested or already involved in caring for the spiritual lives of children. Part A begins Sept. 28 to May 30th 2020. If you have questions or are interested in The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd programs and atriums, please call Anne Jamieson, 905-528-7988 ext. 2251 or visit:https://www.archtoronto.org/catechesis-good-shepherd. Online registration is available at:https://hamiltondiocese.com/offices/catechesis/good-shepherd.php.

Is your child in Grade 6? Did you know we celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation in Grade 7 in the Diocese of Hamilton? Confirmations at our Parish are normally celebrated in the Fall of each year. Because it will come quickly upon us, we want you to be ready in advance. If your child does not attend Catholic School, please contact the Parish office as soon as possible so we can assist you. The Catechetical Correspondence Courses from the Diocese of Hamilton may be right for you. For more information on the Correspondence Courses, visit the website www.hamiltondiocese.com or call Monica Verin at 905-528-7988, ext. 2238.

Parenting Tip 112

As the warmer weather makes its way into our lives, it is a perfect time to help children learn about the beauty of God’s created world and our task to be stewards of his creation. Cleaning the yard after winter, planting flowers and vegetables, picking up garbage left behind once the snow melts – these are all great ways to teach your children to honour God’s world. And as a bonus, you will spend time outdoors as a family. The world is our home, help your children learn to engage with the earth. (Family Ministry Office)

Marriage Tip 92

Marriage in the Catholic faith, through the love of the couple, is meant to be the visible sign of God’s invisible love for his people. When people observe your relationship do they see love, patience, kindness, and commitment? If the answer is not as often as you would like, then instead of reverting to arguing, whining, or sarcasm when something goes wrong, change your response to your spouse. Be calm in stressful situations, use (learn if necessary) good conflict resolution skills and above all, commit to putting your spouse first. God is divine, but with a few changes, we can move closer to reflecting his love to all who witness our relationship. (Family Ministry Office)

Are you caring for a loved one? Are they in need of palliative care? Do you have questions? A committee of experts, in various related fields, came together to answer possible questions that are often raised at this difficult time in a person’s life. Find the answers to important questions at https://hamiltondiocese.com/palliative.care, or for further assistance call Teresa at 905-528-7988 ext. 2250.

Are you celebrating your 25th, 40th, 50th or 60th, or 60+ Wedding Anniversary in the year 2019?  On Sunday, June 9, 2019, at 1:30 pm, Bishop Douglas Crosby will celebrate the Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of Christ the King in Hamilton.  (Space allows room for Anniversary couples only – those married 60 years or more may bring 1 guest if assistance is required). Please register by May 20th to be sure your name is included in the program. Details are available on the poster in the church, or go to www.hamiltondiocese.com.

Are You Separated or Divorced? Friday night’s don’t have to be lonely. Would it help you to have people around you to understand what you’re going through? Would you like to hear some ideas that will encourage you and help you to develop effective ways of coping with the stresses in your life?   The Hamilton Diocesan Support Group meets the 1st and 3rd Friday of each month and they can help!  No need to register just come and join us at the Chancery Office at 700 King St. West, Hamilton from 7 – 9 p.m. For more information call the Family Ministry Office at 905-528-7988 ext. 2249. There is NO COST, but great learning, caring and support!

Struggling from an Abortion Experience? – There is Help! Are you struggling with an abortion decision – either your own, or someone else’s? Do you feel alone, emotional, or angry? Project Rachel is a ministry of healing for any person suffering pain or problems from an abortion experience. This confidential service allows people to work through their feelings and find hope and healing. Please contact us at 905-526-1999 or toll free at 1-888-385-3850.

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Diocesan Workshops And Events (June 2019)

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