Our Architects, ATA, have been working hard in putting together the site plan for our new church and facilities. We hope to present this to the city of Hamilton during the summer. Some features of the new church are listed below:
- Church seating: approximately 750 seating
- Church hall: table and chair seating approximately 150, with option to open onto the Narthex to provide for additional space
- Two meeting rooms
- Board room to also provide as collection counting room
- Four offices (Pastor, Associate Pastor, Pastoral Minister, etc.
- Two appointment rooms (for meetings with couples preparing for marriage, with families preparing for funerals, counselling, etc.)
- Large Narthex entry: will allow for gathering before and after Mass. Coffee Sundays will be possible here.
- Parking: over 300 spaces including handicapped parking spaces
- Two tentative spaces still to be designed:
– Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto
– Corpus Christi Adoration Chapel