Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
Fr. Mark Gatto
Preached: January 1, 2025
If you wanted to explain God to someone, how would you do it? What words or concepts would you use?
When we pray, our words can have some value. Some of our concepts and images of God can help to lead our heart towards the mystery of God. But, our words always fall so short of the reality of God. Silence is the most honest place to encounter the mystery of God.
“Mary treasured all these words and pondered them in her heart” In silence Mary pondered them in her heart. As we come to the end of 2024 and beginning of 2025, we would do good to follow this example of Mary. Take time to ponder all that is happening in your life, to treasure God’s presence in ways you do not understand. Enter into silence to be embraced by the mystery of God.
Close your eyes, let us take now a moment of silence to dwell in the presence of the living God.
Some of us will have new year resolutions for this year. One good one might be to commit to a time of silence each day. If just beginning, start very small and short. Even just 5 minutes a day, with everything shut off, sit in silence, not to say anything, not expecting to hear anything, just to be in the presence of God.
Knowledge is a good thing. Experience is a good thing. But, it is in Silence that our knowledge and experience are able to become wisdom.
“Mary treasured all these words and pondered them in her heart” We also need the wisdom that comes from silence, like Mary when we treasure and ponder in our heart.