Ex Corde Foundation (“From the Heart”) Grant: Established in 2011 by Bishop Crosby, the Ex Corde Foundation provides financial assistance to Parishes and other Catholic charities within the Diocese of Hamilton and across Canada. The Foundation provides grants to repair or renovate buildings; to provide and maintain religious and devotional artifacts, stained glass windows, and other religious works of art; and to support religious education, catechesis, and the provision of liturgical resources and pastoral programs. About 79% of the grants assist parishes in our Diocese.
I am glad to announce that our parish application for such a grant has been accepted. Our new church building will have an Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto outside with a new bronze statue of Our Lady of Lourdes. In fact, it is being created right now to be ready for when we enter the new church.
This grant covers the $30,000 cost.
We are very grateful to Bishop Crosby and the Ex Corde Foundation.