The Catholic Faith Video Series: Your Tough Questions Answered [Video #18]

Question: Do all Christians go to heaven? 
Please watch video below for answer:
If you prefer to read, below is Deacon Robin’s Answer:

This is an excellent question and a very important one too because all of us have friends that are non-Christian or Christian but not Catholic and we want to know if they have a chance at salvation. I think we can also ask the question about whether an all loving God would deny heaven to people who don’t know Jesus Christ.

The truth is that all baptized Christians are destined for heaven. Whether we actually end up there is another question. The hope is that we all do. God desires us all to go be with Him in heaven but it remains that we all have a free choice to choose God or not. It is true that the Church has always taught that the way to salvation is through Jesus Christ and His Church.

However, as the tradition of the Church has developed we have come to realize that one can belong to the Church not only through Baptism with water but also through Baptism of desire. This desire can be either explicit, in the case of catechumens who are preparing to enter the Church, or implicit, in the case of people of “good will who strive to lead a good life and who follow the will of God as they understand it.”[1]

In the Second Vatican Council the Church taught that: “Those who, through no fault of their own, do not know the Gospel of Christ or his Church, but who nevertheless seek God with a sincere heart, and, moved by grace, try in their actions to do his will as they know it through the dictates of their conscience – those too may achieve eternal salvation”

So in the end, all Christians have a well-founded hope of salvation.


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